Coring beams in the Old Rectory in Worthington, OH.The Miller Tavern in Somerset, OH was dated to 1808 by the COW Tree Ring Lab.Coring the Perry County District Library in Somerset, OH
Russia and the Far East
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Kamchatka 2014 – Dr. Tatiana Kuderina (Moscow University), Sarah Frederick ’15, Vladimir Matskovsky (Moscow University), and trip host Tatiana in Kamchatka in the summer of 2014.
Kamchatka 2014 – Sarah Frederick ’15 coring a larch tree in the Eastern Range of Kamchatka (from the Wooster Geologists blog).
Kamchatka 2014 – Sarah Frederick ’15, Dr. Greg Wiles, Dr. Tatiana Kuderina, and Dr. Vladimir Matskovsky in the Eastern Range in Kamchatka, with a volcano of the Median Range in the background (from the Wooster Geologists blog).
Learning about environmental change from tree rings
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